
Children Ministry

God has truly blessed our church with an abundance of children at Victory.

Vacation Bible School
One week out of the year we gather nightly for a time of Bible study, games, crafts, and food as we try to learn more about God. There is a lot of time and energy that goes into this week. The kids really seem to enjoy this time of study and fun!
Sunday School
We start by offering Sunday School classes. Classes begin with Pre-K and go through 6th grade. Our teachers study weekly to provide a great lesson from God's word to help them draw closer to the Lord.
Sunday Services
Our church family have a deep conviction for our children to be raised in the "training and admonition of the Lord." So we believe an important part in that is to have a family-oriented worship time. However, we do understand that it is difficult for the young children to make it through the service without causing a distraction. So for ages 4 and under we provide nursery to those children if the parent/guardian deems necessary, and for those over the age of 5 we invite into our worship services.
Nursery is provided during Sunday School and during each of our regular scheduled services. Nursery is usually provided during special events. Our nursery has been recently renovated with more room and accommodation for those sweet babies and toddlers. One of our most consistent areas is in our nursery. Thank you to all authorized volunteers for their faithful service to those children.
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