
Adult Ministries

Opportuninites to Serve
We provide many opportunities to serve through our church. Activities such as meal service, community outreach and much more.

Prayer Meetings

The focus this year as a church family has been a Call to Pray! We have been challenged to be more committed to our prayer lives throughout the year. We have had several sweet times of prayer this year already. God has done some special things in our church lately, and it has all pointed back to our times of coming together to pray. We pray weekly on Wednesday nights, and often we call for special times of prayer. This is one ministry you don't want to miss out on.
Sunday School

We currently provide three different Sunday School classes. One is for ladies only taught by Terri Black who does an excellent job in preparing each week for the lessons. Another class is for men or women, and it is taught by Andy Vanhorn. He has a big heart and deep conviction for the Word of God. The third class is taught by Bradley Hogue. He teaches the Young Adults class.
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